3 Months

Products 37-48 of 85
Certified Information Systems Security Pro (CISSP) Prep Course and Exam
Price: $2,795.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: ACI-CISSP-0324 -

The Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) certification is the gold standard in the IT Security field. Security professionals that have achieved their CISSP designation are regarded as some of the most talented and knowledgeable people in their field. The certification demonstrates that the holder has been working in IT Security for over five years, has a broad range of knowledge in ten domains related to creating, supporting and maintaining a secure IT infrastructure and...

Cybersecurity Awareness and Prevention
Price: $159.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: WE-IT-1471 -

This Cybersecurity Awareness and Prevention course, offered by our accredited school partners, will teach you how to keep your network safe, how to stay safe on the internet, how to keep your email safe, how to use anti-virus software and much more. You will walk away from this training with a level of understanding that will let you apply the proper amount of digital protection to your home or office computer systems. Enroll through one of our accredited university or college partners today!

Certified Human Resources Professional
Price: $3,995.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: BP-aPHR-01 -

The term "Human Resources" covers a wide range of activities and employment positions. As a HR Professional, there are many careers you can pursue including Specialist, Expert, Manager, Executive, Consultant, Training & Development Manager, or even an International Specialist. Some of the activities that fall to HR professionals include hiring and firing employees, managing employee communications, settling employee disputes, creating benefits programs, navigating government regulations, and...

Medical Documentation and Record-Keeping: HIPAA
Price: $195.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: HF-HIPPA-WE508 -

Medical Documentation and Record-Keeping: HIPAA is a course that provides a professional understanding of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the best practices for medical record keeping and documentation. This course, offered by our accredited school partners, begins by giving an overview of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act ("HIPAA"), the Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information ("Privacy Rule"), covered...

Certificate in Data Analytics
Price: $995.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: IT-DATANA-01 -

This certificate in data analytics provides an overview of topics in statistics and their applications in a variety of fields. This certificate will present the basics of quantitative analysis and its increasing use in today's professional landscape. Learners are exposed to quantitative decision-making tools and techniques, which tie into real-world case studies. This course, offered by our accredited school partners, utilizes games, videos, interactive exercises, quizzes, real world case...

Healthcare Fundamentals
Price: $195.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: HF-HCFUN-WE508-1601 -

Healthcare Fundamentals is a course that provides a professional understanding of patient care in a variety of healthcare settings. This course, offered by our accredited school partners, begins by giving an overview of the history and theory of delivering healthcare. It then dives deeper to explain the principles & methods of both quality improvement and etiquette within the modern healthcare environment. Learners will then be assessed on how to apply these principles and methods within both...

Microsoft Office 365 - SharePoint for End Users
Price: $159.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: MS-365-SP -

This course, offered by our accredited school partners, covers the basics of using SharePoint for end users in Office 365. Students will first get an overview of SharePoint and then learn how to create their first site. They will then learn about adding content to the team sites and searching for content. In this course you will learn: *SharePoint Overview *Creating Your First Site *Adding Content to the Team Site | Searching for Content Each class session is presented in full motion...

Introducción Al Coaching
Price: $199.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: AL-IAC01 -

Coaching is the new professional phenomenon we have seen more of in the job market recently. Tons of young professionals and seasoned experts alike are taking on the coaching role to help businesses produce more effective results and take their growth to the next level. Executive and business coaches have become a powerful hire for entrepreneurs seeking to improve their effectiveness and efficiency in all areas – and there’s substantial evidence to back that claim up. According to a study by...

Social Media Professional
Price: $995.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: MD-SMP-01 -

Social media is now a necessary part of any organization's marketing, sales, recruiting, or public relations initiatives. Organizations that use social media effectively create long-term brand advocates from social media followers; while others spend their time in crisis management. This program includes 10 modules: • Marketing & PR • Brand Yourself with Social Media • Social Media Marketing • Marketing on Facebook • Marketing on LinkedIn • Marketing on Twitter • Video and YouTube...

Professionalism in Healthcare
Price: $695.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: HF-PRIHE-01 -

In most industries, an individual’s professionalism is measured by the extent to which they are trustworthy, reliable and can be counted on to follow through on their commitments. More than that however, professionalism in today’s workplace requires an element of self-confidence, self-motivation and the overall understanding and adherence to the norms and expectations of professional environments on the whole. In the healthcare setting, however, the qualities that constitute professionalism...

Customer Service for Healthcare
Price: $995.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: HF-CSFHC-01 -

In our Customer Service Survival Skills course, students will learn how to get to the heart of customer service; a challenging but not impossible achievement. Customers expect quality service and in return will provide loyalty. Businesses today understand that customer service loyalty contributes to the success and growth of a business. This is why it is important understand the importance in learning, developing and improving the skills needed to communicate effectively in a professional...

Marketing Professional
Price: $2,295.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: BUS-MAP1 -

The Marketing Professional program outlines for students current theories of marketing, their effective application and concepts important to marketing goods and services, identifying and further defining target customers, targeting those customers and really reaching them through your messaging from both a domestic and global perspective. Students will explore the elements of market research, identifying target customers, branding, pricing, developing product offers, and developing marketing...